Charlotte Birth Story Model Call

Birth Story

May 21, 2019


fresh 48 and newborn


follow @nicolebertrandphotography

My blog is where I can show you more than just a single Instagram-worthy snapshot, but tell the entire story of a session from start to finish. Enjoy!



Fresh 48

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Hi I'm Nicole


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You’ve been waiting 9 months for this moment.

Scratch that. You’ve been waiting a lifetime.

And the journey to this moment hasn’t been easy. There’s been longing and hoping. There’s been sickness (Morning sickness? Try all day sickness.) There’s been sacrifice (No deli meat. No hot baths. Blood work. Stretch marks!) There’s been pain (heartburn, back pain, swollen ankles). And maybe there’s even been loss. But the day is finally here. Today you get to meet your baby.

Now imagine… you pull your baby to your chest and hold her for the first time. All the longing, sickness, sacrifice, pain and loss have been washed away by a wave of profound, immediate, unconditional love. You look up at your partner and you know they feel the same way. You both have tears running down your cheeks. You both know that neither one of you has ever felt a love like this. Life will never be the same.

Is this your birth story? Let me be there to document it.

Because you only get one chance to capture the moment you meet your baby.

Model Call Details

Applicants should have a due date that falls between October 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. Applications for this promotion will be accepted until September 30, 2019 and only three models will be selected, so don’t wait!

If you are selected for a Birth Story Model Call Session, you will receive a pre-consultation where we will go over your expectations of your birth session. Starting at 38 weeks I will be on call, day and night, to capture your entire birthing experience, from active labor through the first two hours of your new baby’s life, in a beautiful and real documentary style. This includes sweet moments such as your baby’s first breath and first cry, you meeting your little one for the first time, cutting the cord, and everything that happens before, after, and in between!

Within two weeks you will receive 45 hand-edited digital images in an online gallery, which will include a mix of both color and black and white images.

Birth story session prices begin at $1395, however if you book a model call session you will receive it for $750!

  1. Katie says:

    Wow this is amazing I would have absolutely loved this when I had my two

  2. What an incredible way to capture a very special time. There is so much I don’t remember now, I think your work would keep the memory alive.

    • Nicole Bertrand says:

      That is the hope! I compare this moment to your wedding…such an important day, but it goes by so fast! You probably had a photographer at your wedding so you could capture the memories…so why not your birth?

  3. Mimi says:

    I really wish I took more pictures and better notes of my pregnancy. It was 12 years ago and thr time flies by so quick!

  4. brianna watson says:

    oh my gosh i squealed when I saw the baby!!!!! So cute!! I would love to have this moment documented for my future kids

    • Nicole Bertrand says:

      I know, he was so squishable. All TEN POUNDS of him! And you should definitely consider it!

  5. Chelle Dizon says:

    I gave birth to my son 12 years ago. It must be so nice if there is someone who captured that special milestone in our life. That is a very fantastic deal!

  6. candace says:

    I so agree. Photos say a million words When I look back on my birth photos it is just so moving

  7. Wow, this is honestly going to be beautiful. I can’t wait to see it unfold when you start shooting them like seriously. I cannot wait.

  8. Chad says:

    The picture is the cutest thing ever! I don’t have kids yet, soon i hope.


    • Nicole Bertrand says:

      Parenthood is every single adjective and emotion you can think of…but it’s worth it! <3

  9. Sue Tanya says:

    I am not yet a mother but when I do i know i’ll want pictures. This picture is so cute! Definitely captures the moment.

  10. Sara Welch says:

    I had newborn shots done of all three of our kids, but I wish I would have documented their birth in some fashion. Such a sentimental treasure to have!

  11. Kim Seghers says:

    I can’t wait to see all the photographs from the birth story you end up doing! my biggest regret when I had my last baby at 42 was not getting someone to take photos while I was pregnant and when my baby was born!

    • Nicole Bertrand says:

      I have those same regrets…and I’m a photographer! I guess that’s part of the reason I want to do this…I don’t want other people to make the same mistake!

  12. This is such a sweet moment. I remember when our boys were born. It still feels like it was just yesterday.

    • Nicole Bertrand says:

      But so far away at the same time! I just want to remember every little detail of every day with my kids. It’s going by so quickly!

  13. kumamonjeng says:

    Parenting is the job that we can never call it to quit. Every day as a parent, we learn together with the growing child. This is call life I suppose and make us complete.

  14. Stephanie Jeannot says:

    Hmmm! I am thinking that the person has to be very bold to capture images of something so intimate as birthing. Interesting to see.

  15. Windy says:

    AAAWWW capturing the moment between a mother and a child is so priceless!

  16. Angela says:

    You really do this!? So nice! That is something amazing!

  17. Marysa says:

    How amazing would it be to have some great birth photography. Time flies and it’s nice to look back on special moments.

  18. This sounds like a great opportunity to hear a variety of stories. I would love to see what you find.

  19. Danielle says:

    I love that photographing the birth is a thing now. I wish that I had someone there to document my children’s births in order to remember it.

  20. So a hard moment to capture the quite time and reflection after birth, you did it beautifully! x

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